Cinema Sweethearts
A musical experience spanning 4 decades of beautiful movie stars, their music and costumes!
Donning dresses in the style of some of the most iconic starlets in film history, chanteuse Laura Ellis embodies the singing sensations of the silver screen! Sweet, and sometimes sassy, Laura is accompanied by the Tinsel Town Trio, featuring film composer and arranger, John Rodby, on piano. From the golden age of the Hollywood musical to the Broadway sensations turned movie masterpieces, your audience will take a swingin’ journey with
songs Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend, Que Sera Sera, I Could Have Danced All Night, Put The Blame on Mame, Cheek to Cheek, Whatever Lola Wants, and If I Loved You and many more! Find out who sang it and who faked it, plus musical and film trivia galore!